Cures A-Z app for iPhone and iPad
First, a big thank you to the million+ users whove downloaded our app!
Cures A-Z guides you in effectively and safely treating most common health issues using the best of the natural and prescription tools available!
Developed by world-renowned integrative physician, researcher, and best-selling author Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., along with his wife, nutritionist Laurie Teitelbaum, M.S., Cures A-Z covers hundreds of different health conditions. Its a powerful resource that uses straightforward, easy to understand language to share practical, science-based holistic and standard health advice thats supported by tens of thousands of studies.
A summary of Cures A-Zs features includes:
• Conditions A-Z: An index of hundreds of health conditions and recommended treatments using the best of both natural and prescriptions therapies.
• Nutrition Guide: An index of the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients your body needs, what they are, and the role each plays in your bodys health.
• Backgrounds on different herbals and their benefits.
• Access to "Vitality101," Dr. Teitelbaums informative and fun newsletter that keeps you on top of the latest research on how to maintain peak energy and optimal health.
• Links to useful health resources on the web.
• Information on natural supplements available at local health food stores and the web.
Pros and cons of Cures A-Z app for iPhone and iPad
Cures A-Z app good for
Hi, its a verry good apllication, but i cant understand everythings.. Maybe can you translate it ? In french :)
I learned that Dr. Teitelbaum went through chronic fatigue himself. That makes him more passionate and empathetic than many. I found his material very informative and helpful. Lets keep on thinking, studying and analyzing-for its an amazing puzzle to be solved, and (as Dr. T. says:) medicin is science as well as an art. Many people and doctors fail in both areas, so let s learn and observe properly. A good doctor will at least listen and try his best - that is my impression of what Jacob Teitelbaum does!
Can I give it 10 stars?????
I can not believe the a load of unbelievably benefitial information it provides! It answered exectly what I was looking for for the last 6 months. It is obsolutely amazing, easy to use, has a news section, and a blog!!!!!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice to have a reference right in the palm of my hand. Thanks a bunch
Anyone who wants more information on what can be done about common medical issues will greatly benefit from this application. It is a fabulous reference to have at your fingertips and is a good resource to have. Great information for people with fibromyalgia.
this is a wonderfull idea for something that you might need on the spot info... Like a speach or other school projects... nstuff...
Some bad moments
The author offers high cost solutions to purchase products that only he has to offer or a friend of his. I have had a homeopathic physician for years and none of the remedies are even close to providing an accurate natural solution.
The author claims they can cure cancer if you buy a $500 report and call a number at $95/hour to help you understand the report.
The title is a little misleading; the app really deals with nutritional approaches to health with minimal emphasis on complimentary therapies. (Should be called nutritional cures.) While providing some good common sense approaches to nutrition, I REALLY question the scientific accuracy of some of the content. The authors seem to have limited knowledge of anatomy and physiology, and their ideas of cause and effect simply dont make sense physiologically. When listing the etiological factors for different diseases, they also overlook some major (and serious) illnesses. Although the idea is nice and some suggestions are great, Id approach this app with caution.
Has very little information but tells you how to cure Brest cancer LOL
It does not have anything on Celiac Disease or Glutein anywhere. Also it crashes alot. It has a section for feedback but doesnt work. Needs a few more patches in order to b sufficient.
Why cant I open this app when I download it?? Can some one please help.
App open but crashes immediately please update ios6.1 3gs. Thanks
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